Jan 26, 2009



t-bag said...

the little guy in the front has got to be your dad, right?

Anonymous said...

this isn't about your family at all, but nowadays at least somebody would be in sweats or a t shirt. Ah for the days when people had class.

Kea said...

who's that leonardo dicaprio looking guy? holla!

Unknown said...

whoa. can you give a run-down of the people in this pic and how they are related to you? right off the boat...dang.

dcal* said...

Left to right- Standing: My great Uncle George (Grandpa's brother), Grandma Calamai, My second Cousin George
Left to right-Seated: My great grandma Calamai, My great grandma Danielle, My great grandpa Danielle, grandpa (Smoking a butt), My great Aunt
Foreground- Dad