Apr 29, 2008

style watch

ha-cha cha

first of all, JOHN is damn hilarious in his recent rant about one of his professors.

also, here's some stylish pals of mine lounging at the park. grandpa left his keys at home so we had to fetch them from ad-damn. krausey arrived en route to a hair appointment.

Apr 28, 2008


cool out, pass it on,
love mom

oe n t

Apr 23, 2008

Apr 21, 2008

B a believer but keep it to yourself. i have lots of pictures of me and Jayz and Crooklyn nights and hoagies and warlords on the way. no, no just more pictures ofme and grandpa site seeing on the east river.
blub blub,

Apr 10, 2008

long island.

disappearing act

the right thing to do

Apr 9, 2008

HI! Brrrrrr

i did not test the temp.
T&T are very curious/observant people. they are also getting married soon! congrats.


Apr 8, 2008

T&T in the flesh, MAINE

back in America!

Apr 2, 2008

do you owe me money?

hide your babies, mac is a bartender.
late night snack gone wrong.

right before he murdered his little brother

don't worry this is all the babybay ones i got

was happy to just roll around on our floors


cutest lil thing
my friend from pdx came and stayed with her 6mo BAYBAY. chubby and adorable.


Apr 1, 2008

dogs on blogs. get with it!

buddy think he is a squirrel

still. he runs and runs and runs and then basks in the warm sun very still.

look at buddy!
have you seen me?