Apr 30, 2009


Apr 25, 2009

Apr 22, 2009



Apr 9, 2009


June 13th for the NC bbq. jessie!

Apr 7, 2009


i need everbodys phone number. that means you!

so call me! 

while im here, i"ll announce plans for the first annual North Carolina pig pick'n here in Brooklyn. I have met tons of great ppl from NC here in NYC and think its time to get everybody together.So, this June, early june we r getting a pig and a smoker and some beer.....i cant wait. feel free to come up for the event homieZ

riding high!

aww, isnt this cute?  National Champions!

Apr 6, 2009

tom new apt

very spacious

hey its me



my sis's the best


played the clarinet in the marching band!
looking alike, both taken in junior high, i played the flute. 

great scott

upstate with the family

im at a loss of words this morning. maybe becuase its the bleakest day on record...hmm. nonetheless, my friends are so supportive and held my hand while i went upstate for a prospective student open house. i drank about 16 cups of coffee and freaked myself out. keith, any further comments?

Apr 4, 2009

ah, a cat

also, #1 apparently
sunny lunch 
names of those who died in war..fuck you George Bush, fuck you, and thanks for racking up all that debt you heathen.

lakeview terrace

will b!! he wouldnt pose face on, but still managed to look pensive and dashing

will b's apt up close and personal! spacious uh? thanks trees.

Apr 1, 2009




on friday afternoons when i start my shift most people are just wiiinding down. heres holly with the wine, etc
mikey, ham