Sep 28, 2007

turq house

the control room

don't judge

i guess all pix today will be from the vault RE: it cheapest if you take in a few rolls to the RiteAId at once so i'm saving up for mondays load. also, the blawg is a good way to save pictures that inevitable get lost or wrinkled. this is my friend forb`es on thanksgiving at lincoln '05. he was dressed like vegas cowboy.

dye job

kate at Lincoln* when we decided to dye a number of things black.
Is it a cope out to post pictures from the vault? eh, oh well.

* who's cutlass?! daaaayyam

Sep 27, 2007


this last one is pretty messed up uh? the cut out and the camera defect that produced the likes of a stain on my dress. anyway we were all happy as clams that day.

return of the liger

meet: "Other Anne", chef extraordinaire, lady of the night, dance prowess, and occassional eye rolller...she's a diamond of a girl and we are all v. excited to have her back from L>A>

bacon band-aid

how i felt this morning

Sep 26, 2007

from the vault

maggie i miss so much, and please take note of the necklace she is win a prize if you remember that thing*

* i still have it.

home alone....krausey?? KRAUSEY???

Sep 25, 2007

movie theater

over a year ago i went to check out a movie theater for sale in east williamsburg/bushwick- RE: it's perfect; RE: i wanted to open brew n'view; RE: i dream
it wasn't in a bustling area
and i think it cost a few mill

marry me?


Broves made this compote a long time ago, i kept it in the fridge, it shrank, but did not mold.*
*has seen been disposed of.

enjoy it bc they are tearing it all down

Sep 24, 2007


coney island

my dear friend john "broves" voves came to new york a few weeks he is in the white shirt walking towards the dead man on the beach grandpa and the gang:

one was happy and the other was mad

give me shelter

this is jas & ad-damn's apt:

this is ad-damn
rebel pickle festival vendor

i am frieked out by all the motorcades around my office today for the UN meeting....

Sep 21, 2007

good day!

Sep 20, 2007

the b/w was sad

Meffin Rainbow