Feb 1, 2010

i'll go ahead and comment here. This weekend i enjoyed a short trip to Our Nation's Capital. With Nate and Ruth i walked through the Hall of Presidents in teh National Portrait Gallery. And, low and behold the hottest painting of Abe Lincoln imaginable. The shoes, the hair, move over Don Draper. FDR is still my favorite president but i only really know about a few of them. There was one or two presidents in the gallery that i hadnt heard of...uh.. Meanwhile "Nate-Dog" (dont know his last name) knew EvEryTHing about all of them becuase hes a historian and just an all around swell guy.


Anonymous said...

Abraham Lincoln was a good old man. He hopped out the window with his dick in hand. he said, "Excuse me ladies, just doing my duty so why not pull down your pants and give me some booty."

Kea said...

what middle schooler reads this blog???

P said...

last name Jones.

NateDogg said...

Rarely do I get accolades for being nerd. It was fun, come back anytime for history lesson part II! Swell pictures.